Monday, October 8, 2012

[1] #70: "It's snails, Miss."

The inspiration for this challenge was birthed by a ten-second clip from the silver screen.

"Escargot, Miss Callaway?"
"Why thank you, waiter-person! I'm starvin. I mean... I'd adore one."
[Awkward pause while she takes a bite.]
"This tastes like a balloon."
"It's snails, Miss."
"Good. Nice. Chewy."
[Thumbs up and a wink from the waiter... as soon as he leaves, she spits it into her hand.]
"All this money and these people eat slugs?!"

After an introduction like that, it just had to be done.

I bought the can from the NoFrills out by Stoney Creek. It was the most direct bus route while I was in the city, and it was on a trip for other groceries that the little tin caught my eye. It was under two dollars, and sat on my shelf for a long, long time. If inanimate objects can smirk or mock, this one did. I think it thought I would eventually forget about it and it would never face the shark-toothed jaws of an opener. But I didn't forget.

I received some pretty encouraging advise about this little culinary adventure in the weeks before its execution, especially from Kylie. Butter, garlic, parmesan. I add these instructions: dice quickly before you think about it too much. Diced, snails look surprisingly similar to mushrooms. Garliced and buttered, snails also taste quite like a fungus... which, I suppose, is not necessarily an improvement. We ate it with Tostitoes, but we didn't munch much. It is snails, after all.

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